Sunday, June 7, 2015

Start swimming

This week has been a very short week with respect to any constructional work. Pretty much all week starting from Monday to Saturday has been focused on the best festival in the world. I'm of course talking about Sweden Rock Festival.

Title of this weeks blog is taken from Delain, which by no coincidence happened to perform at the above mentioned venue.

Anyways the week has not been a complete loss for the ongoing project. The chemicals we dropped in last weekend took effect and we suddenly have a crystal clear water.

So I took the first dip, making me the first ever to take a swim in our pool.

The water was a bit nippy, but what the hell it woke me up...:)

Sunday was pretty much the only day we (atleast I) had time to build anything, tired as I was from a week's metal happening. We managed to get the concrete supports put into their place.

The "old" deck is now in shape again. The entire support construction is back in place.

From there we intend to first lay the outer frame and then build the support construction before laying the actual deck. One can now see things taking shape.

At one point we even enlisted our house guest staying for the festival, but honestly I much prefer his skills in the kitchen so we sent him there to prepare some food.

Warmed up the sauna to cleanse myself from a weeks worth of metal banging. For the first time in ages I jumped into water directly from the sauna. It immediately took me be back to all those summers as a kid I've spent in Finland, running from the sauna directly into a lake or the ocean. Thinking back it's probably 20 years since I've experienced that feeling....honestly what a bliss.

Title reference: Start Swimming/April Rain/Delain

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