Sunday, July 12, 2015

Paradise City

First on the schedule was to finish the deck.
Pretty satisfied with the result.

Once the deck was finished the light posts were mounted adding that cozy light when darkness falls.
Of course the lights are controlled by a brightness sensor.

No rest for the wicked, off to the next part of the project.
Yeah I know I suffer from a serious case of AMPS (Ants in My Pants Syndrome). I'm not much for sitting down and do nothing.
Anyways stairs needed to be installed at the entrance to the deck.
Stairway to heaven?
Whilst at it we took care of the hole between the deck in front of the sauna and the garage.
Cumbersome as it was to get into the machine room we continued the sauna deck towards the garage.

The keen eyed reader might notice that the boards in front of the sauna look different.
We replaced the old ones with the same type of boards used for the rest of the deck. All in the name of a consistent look and feel.

That concluded the actual deck building phase.
Next on the list is to build a fence around the deck as that is required to protect the pool from kids (or other careless individuals) to drop into the pool.
Don't ask me, I didn't invent the rules.

One part of the fence is to be built using rebar mesh. It looks rather nice when you have plants/flowers climbing up the mesh.
I love my angle grinder
As with everything else in this project it's a lot of measuring and fitting to make the fence look smooth and nice.

The final view is pretty nice if I may say.
We've planted roses next to the rebar mesh letting them grow and spread over the mesh releasing their fragrance over the pool area.
The fence is to keep nosy neighbors for watching when one takes a plunge from the sauna...:)

"Take me down to the paradise city where the grass is green and the girls are pretty
Oh, won't you please take me home" /GnR
I don't know much of the grass but the girls sure are pretty and it starts to look like our own paradise city.

Title reference: Paradise City/Appetite For Destruction/Guns n Roses

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