Sunday, July 5, 2015

Race with the devil

The race has begun to finish the deck before vacation,which in practice means this week.
Progress is slow around the short end of the pool where the stairs are. It's really a tedious job to measure and hand cut each and every board.
But the result is worth it if I may say. I would lie if would say that I'm not proud over the result. 
A piece of craftsmanship and art

Board by board, screw by screw we're getting closer to the finishing line.

Connected the pool lamp and tested it out. Looks pretty cool in the dark.
Be there light
By the end of the week we laid an army of boards using some 1600 screws and a few hundred far.
The weather this week has been grand, perhaps a bit too grand. The weekend boasted temperatures around and over 30 degrees centigrade. Working in the sun is no play. The pool has proved to be a life saver in these situations.

An all too common view is this, the kids are idling in the pool and me and my father-in-law struggle with the deck.

A little problem did arise as we wanted the lid to the surface skimmer (water outlet) to be aligned with the deck. But it lies some 10cm under the deck. Some hard thinking later this new innovation was made.
I present to you, the bottomless bucket! Some probably think I've lost my wits in the sun.
Bottomless bucket, yet another patentable solution

But by adding a few layers of duct tape (useful for anything) I got the just about the right thickness for the bucket to fit tightly into the surface skimmer. The lid just nicely then fits into the bucket...and voilá you have managed to raise the lid the needed 10cm.

Then finally becoming perfectly aligned with the deck. Pure luck, don't think so.

By the end of Sunday we've managed to get all around the pool. A few square meters are still missing at the far end but that will be finished tomorrow.

It's with some level of pride I look back at what we've built.
Every single board is individually measured and hand cut to fit the pool. 

Talking about cutting, the spoil heap is sort of growing.

heap/stack trace?

Anyways, this weeks endeavours are over. The sauna is heating up, the beer is cold ...think I'll just enjoy the rest of the evening.

Title reference: Race with the devil/Sin after sin/Judas Priest

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