Friday, May 15, 2015

Dawn of Creation

Thursday morning, the D-day had arrived, time to start the assembly of the pool frame.
We had four days of constant work ahead of us.

First thing first, lay out the outlines for the pool. All steel sheets are completely square and flat and need to be shaped into the form of the pool. Hence laying out the form is imperative to be able to maintain proper shape

 Ancient techniques such as a string and a stick to make circles still work in 2015.

First sheets coming up. As time goes we find the optimal technique to align the sheets and keep a line of height.

Things are progressing rapidly. Thought it's pretty tedious work to shape the sheets to follow the outlines of the pool.
Using a system of wooden struts jammed between the wall of the pit and the sheets helps to force them into place.

In goes the stairs. Bulky as it may seem it's not really that heavy as it's made of glass fiber, two persons are able to carry it.

Now the devil shows his ugly face as we discover we have received the wrong sheets.
The two sheets with the water inlet holes were supposed to be 750mm and 500mm wide but the ones we got were 1000mm. There was just simply no possibility whatsoever to fit these.

DISASTER. There went our entire planning out of the window.
It's Thursday afternoon and it's a Swedish holiday so no possibility to get hold of the manufacturer.

It all has to wait to Friday morning....

First thing Friday morning is to get hold of someone at the company (Miamipool) to get this mess sorted out. They immediately acknowledge the fact that we got the wrong material.
So what to do? They suggest we can have it Monday...but that would completely throw a monkeywrench into our program. We (Agneta) pretty vividly explained why we need the sheets...NOW.

We've been planning this build for weeks and this was the extended weekend with four days to build.
We got people coming in to help, I got a digger waiting to come in next week to fill up the hole. Already have planned vacation to be here when we fill up the pool...and it continues.
The entire project was in jeopardy if we could not get these metal sheets.

Apparently it was very difficult to find a transport company that could with such short notice to this over day delivery.
After a few hours of phoning back and forth the solution was that some poor soul (more correctly unsung hero) would load the stuff into a car and drive them to us. That may not seem as much of  a feat but considering the factory is in Timrå in Northern Sweden and the distance is over 870Km (one direction) it puts things into perspective.

People will always make mistakes, it's how you remedy these that I'll measure you by.
So sometime later Friday night we expect to see a delivery of the missing goods.
I could no longer bear to feel anger with the company and their mistake. If someone is prepared to drive over 870Km in one direction a Friday just to deliver stuff to a customer then if that's not dedication to customer satisfaction I don't know what.

The rest of Friday we spent make sure the walls were perfectly in line and mounting things such as the water outlet.

Late evening when darkness entered we took out the laser to really make sure we had everything at proper height.

It's late and tomorrow is a new day that brings new hope.

Title reference: Dawn of Creation/Nostradamus/Judas Priest

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