Sunday, May 10, 2015


It's funny how seemingly little simple things tend to become huge time consumers. Or perhaps not that funny when stuck with the problem.
The idea with this weekend was to simply to replace some broken parts of the drainage and to connect the pump in the new drainage well to the existing sewage.

I could have asked for a better start, Friday afternoon I had a creeping feeling in my body.
Sure enough Saturday morning I'm coming down with a proper man cold (lads you know what I'm talking about). No time to be sick, munching paracetamol during the day and gulping whiskey/rum in the evening will keep up the fighting spirit.

Apart from my near death experience (remember it's a man cold) the guys doing the digging had left us with a much nicer view. The layer of gravel is in place, though still to to be packed properly. The pump/drain well is also in place in the corner on the pit. This is where we'll stick a pump to get rid of the excessive water that will gather.

The task for the weekend (small as it seems) was to fix the drainage from the well via a pump and let the hose enter the same sewage tubing that runs under the sauna.

Also the intention was to fix the somewhat leaky connection from the the rain gutters to the sewage pipe in the ground. It's working alright for rain water but adding a pump with a capacity of 200 liters/minute would just cause flooding.

Homebrewn solution

It pretty soon became evident that the devil was lurking in the details. The existing concrete drainage pipes laid when the house was built in the 60:ties are of a different dimension that modern plastic pipes.
The inner diameter of the concrete pipe is 100mm and the outer diameter of a standard plastic drainage pipe is 110mm.

Fortunately for us Agneta cleverly found out that there are special purpose made rubber gaskets.
Quickly off to buy one of those along with some other pipes and bends.
I immediately pimped up the construction by adding an inner 80mm drainage pipe just to make sure the water is forced as far as possible into the concrete pipe.
Patent pending...
Finally assembling the neat little package, looking somewhat more professional than the predecessor.

Idiot proof pipeline

Having dug through wet mud and gravel to fit the pipes I'm both tired and dirty. Such a luck we have a sauna where to rinse my body and soul.
The ditch between the house and the sauna was an apparent problem for the majority of the family so a quick bridge later we're good for a sauna. Also an excellent opportunity to let the kids practice how to use a driver-drill to mount screws.

Bridge over river Kwai

Now fit for fight again and looking forward to the major battle to come when we finally get to assemble the pool.

Title reference: Pipeline/Penikufesin/Anthrax

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