Tuesday, May 19, 2015


Ever tried to lay 50mm PEM pipes on your own?
It's like wrestling an adult anaconda, virtually impossible.
Be sensible and don't attempt the feat on your own. I had to hoist heavy 30Kg concrete slabs on the pipe to keep it in place whilst trying to straighten it out.

Took vacation on the Monday (making five straight build days) since the excavator was planned to come and fill back the soil that day.

My plan was to rather quickly lay out the pipes and get them connected.
Thinking it couldn't take that long time. I was sort of planning to just take it easy for the rest of the day waiting for the water to slowly fill up.

This was just about the same mistake I made when I went for my first parental leave. Thinking I would spend the entire days watching movies and taking care of my kid. Well as everybody know that ever been on parental leave...there's no slack time.
Same for my Monday...it virtually took hours to wrangle the pipes to position and connect them.
Result of snakewrestling

Right side inlet
The outlet or surface skimmer needed a check valve in order for the water not to flow backwards back into the pool when the pump is not running. You don't need one of these if you manage to install the pump lower than the water surface. This I presume is a rather uncommon setup so most will need a check valve.


Once the water is reaching the inlets/lamp/outlet one must mount the gasket and screw the inner frame.

Once that is done it's a matter of taking a knife and cut away the liner, opening up in this case the pot where the lamp is to be fitted.
The lamp itself is one big water tight unit with a very long power cable. There's enough of cable to be able to lift it out of the water.
So changing the lamp is a matter to removing this entire package and lift it to the side of the pool. 
The pot where the lamp resides is filled with water, it's actually needed to cool the 300W lamp.

Later that evening I had stairs, lamp and both inlets cut free from the liner.

It's getting late and we'll have to take the skimmer/outlet later in the week.
I'm really tired and actually looking forward to get back to work (my paid work that is) for some R&R.

The excavator still needs to do the filling of last holes but they'll do that without our presence.

Title reference: Snakecharmer/Evil Empire/Rage Against The Machine

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