Saturday, May 16, 2015

Unsung heroes

Before going further I'd like to pay tribute to the one person that with a huge personal sacrifice kept the hopes up for this project. As noted in the last post we had received a shipment with two sheets of the wrong size, wrecking our entire project plan for this weekends build.

Having had phone conversations with the manufacturer, the very same day (a Friday afternoon) this hero from Miamipool loaded the missing sheets from the factory (in Timrå)  into his car and drove them to us....all 870Km (one direction)!!!.
Somewhere around 11 at night he arrived at our home with the missing stuff.
A coffee and a quick chat later he hopped into his car and set direction back north disappearing just like Santa does on Christmas.

The hero of the day

I bow in awe to the sacrifice he made to help us out.

Title reference: Unsung heroes/Unsung heroes/Ensiferum

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