Sunday, May 17, 2015

New Beginnings

The third day (Saturday) of the build was about to commence.
Starting by assembling the sheets that were delivered last night (see last post).
Now turning the attention to the stairs, even though it's not that heavy it's bulky and somewhat difficult to navigate into place with only two persons.

Shaping up

Finally we got the stairs into place, connected with one side of the pool. Now is the dreaded moment to drill holes into the stairs to be able to fit the bolts. This is where one hopes that one has managed to do proper measurements.

Mounting stairs

Later that day reinforcements arrived, much needed.
When attempting to bend the final sheet to meet the left side of the stairs we met heavy resistance.
The curve which with the last sheet needs to bend into to be able to connect with the stairs is just to much to be able to bend. We really could have used a Bender.
Where's Bender when u need him?
It was just mission impossible to bend it into place. We had to undo some of the sheets on the left side to get a larger curve to work with thus spreading the curve to be bent over multiple sheets.
Redoing already done work is not something that spreads a smile on my lips.

Though it was the right decision to do and soon enough we had the full circle completed.
That did spread a smile on my lips. There were some loud cheers from the working crowd when the last bolt was fitted.

Starting to look like a pool

No rest for the wicked. Next on the agenda was to cast concrete on all the supports/struts to really make sure they would not shift. The concrete mixer rented for the occasion proved to be next to worthless. Not much more than a oversized kitchen aid. Unfortunately it was the only thing the rental company could provide us with so we had to do with what we had.

 While me and Tobbe wrestled with the cement sacks the ladies (Agneta and Pea) fitted the plastic rail into where the liner is to be attached. Even that proved to be rather tedious work as the rails are some 3m long and the curve of the pool makes it rather difficult to bend them into place and fit.
Using some profound language (mostly on my behalf) and brute force we managed to get them into place.

Casting concrete on all struts is supposed to make sure they don't shift place.

Stairs are supported by a X strut construction but for the moment we'll leave the extra support.
Will probably cut a piece of timber and use as a support and leave it in the ground when we refill.

Getting late so we sent the ladies into kitchen. It was either that or apply sealer to all bolt heads....they choose the kitchen.
Final touch up for the day was to cover all bolt heads with sealer and fit the water inlets.

We were all covered in fine dust from the stone flour that covers the pool floor. And some of us had gone a few rounds with cement sacks.
Barbeque coming up and then hop into the sauna to sweat out all the dirt and hoist of few beers to clear the throat.

Title reference: New Beginnings/Nostradamus/Judas Priest

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting story. I am looking forward to the next episode.
